On Friday our team had the opportunity to host the hub meeting which is one of the first times our team has ever hosted something like this. We have recapped the stuff that happened in the hub in this post.
Recap Video:
Our team has been posting content weekly and here is our most recent video that recaps what happened at the hub meeting on Friday.
What is the Hub?
Central Minnesota Robotics Hub website states, "The Central Minnesota Robotics Hub is made up of 16 FRC teams from around the Central Minnesota area that work together to strengthen the FRC community. We not only work to make each of our teams better, we are striving to become a beacon for FIRST in Minnesota and the midwest."
The Central Minnesota Robotics Hub was created in 2015 by Becker's C.I.S. 4607 head coach, Alex Jurek and Elk River's Stark Industries 3023, head coach, Mark Durand.
So how did it go?
Well, our team received many compliments from different teams mentors & students. Lots of teams where surprised that a high school could have such an amazing space for different STEM and PLTW learning environments.
Our team went through 12 boxes of pizza and 72 cans of pop for the +70 people that went to this meeting.
Two different coaches reached out after the hub meeting to say what a great time and experience they had, and informed our coaches that "You should be proud of the fast turn around you're are making as a team," followed by, "It's the first time in a long time they are seeing a new and much improved 6709 SPUDinc. Robotics team."
Special Thanks
Thanks to Miranda Forgey, 6709 SPUDinc.'s previous head coach, for laying the ground work for our team to begin to see this success.
Thank you to Robert Dockendorf, Big Lake High Schools Principal, for helping with our team in all ways you can, and helping to design the "Collaborative Center" and "Exploration Labs."
Thanks to Jacob Klingelhutz, Big Lake High Schools Dean of Students, for helping our team find space to put our materials.
Thank you to the Big lake School Board for green lighting this project and seeing the possibilities of STEM, it means a lot to our team.
With our two amazing new coaches and a refreshed leadership formation, our team has seen tremendous growth and many positive changes, and we are just getting started.
"We keep moving forward, opening new doors, and doing new things, because we're curious and curiosity keeps leading us down new paths."
- Walt Disney, a quote that summarizes our teams current mindset
For questions:
Coaches email: robotics@biglakeschools.org
Team email: biglakerobotics@gmail.com
Blog Post Writer: Isaac Berger